Thursday, March 22, 2018

Teen pressure

Image Source : Shutterstock 

The influence of friends (bad or good) can extend to many facets of everyday life. Late night partying, studying, or even just hanging out with no real purpose will crucify your sleep. It is important to prioritize things in your life, sleep being one of them.

Some of the main causes of peer pressure are related to age-appropriate behaviour. Adolescents develop a strong desire to fit in with their peers and be accepted by them. This desire makes adolescent peer pressure tough to resist.

Peer pressure isn’t just about a group of kids daring someone to do something. Often, it’s much more subtle. Peer pressure occurs when group of people coerce each other to go along with certain beliefs or behaviours. The group approves of the followers and sometimes harshly disapproves of those who don’t fall in line. The consequences of being rejected by one’s peers are embarrassment and shame, both very negative emotions for teens.

An obvious form of peer pressure is teen drinking at parties. Kids who attend are expected to drink and some may be expected to drink heavily. Subtler forms of peer pressure exist in clothing choices or attitudes toward sex or drug use. Simply agreeing with the group’s attitudes usually isn’t enough; teens have to prove themselves by backing their words with actions.

Generally there are a few people in the group that are the leaders. These individuals set the rules for everyone else and are seen as authority figures by their peers. Anyone who challenges the rules is challenging the authority of the leaders. Teens may be unwilling to speak up because they’re afraid to lose a friendship with one of these leaders or because they fear losing their status in the group.

The consequences of having bad friend group that may lead you to do inappropriate activities is a cause of insomnia also. Now that you are aware of some of the most common sleep stealers, do you best to avoid potholes that will impair your quality of life, and future.